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Itā€™s time to change a lot of the dialogue we have in the design industry. Itā€™s time for us to start thinking about the impact our designs have on the world. Weā€™ve spent far too long thinking about how cool something is. Meanwhile, the products weā€™ve made have changed how elections work, shifted the workforce in multiple industries, raised depression… Read More →

At Center Centre, the UX design school where Iā€™m a faculty member, I get to review many resources on inclusivity and accessible design. I collect the best resources I find and review them with my team. Then, the team and I apply what we learn from those resources to our curriculum. Over time, our curriculum grows stronger because it contains… Read More →

My name is Olga and Iā€™m an introvert. Well, sort of. On a good day, Iā€™m perfectly able to engage in effortless small talk. But on a bad day, in the words of Marina, ā€œI wanna stay inside all day, I want the world to go awayā€. And yet, Iā€™m an UX researcher, which means I got myself a job… Read More →

Design is no longer subjective. Data rules our world now. Weā€™re told all design decisions must be validated by user feedback or business success metrics. Analytics are measuring the design effectiveness of every tweak and change we make. If it canā€™t be proven to work in a prototype, A/B test, or MVP, itā€™s not worth trying at all. In this… Read More →

Problems can never be solved at the level they were created ā€” Albert Einstein I will never forget remember as a young child being taught how to draw a tree. I was naturally gifted at drawing even at a young age, and was able to faithfully recreate anything that I looked at. Like most learning curves I eventually hit a… Read More →

My ā€œfirst 90-daysā€ at Empowerly, an early-stage startup, was spent speed-fixing an utterly broken web app so that our users can successfully access our basic revenue-generating service features to complete their tasks. Now that the product is patched up, we saw our user engagement up by four-fold ā€” and can at least for a brief moment let out a sigh… Read More →

When you think about the best websites, apps, and designs you have ever seen you will probably think of designs with a western structure. But have you thought about how the same website would look for an Arabic audience? Designing for an Arabic audience is not just about translating. A language is not only a way to express ideas for… Read More →

What is conversational design? The concept of conversational design is about looking at human conversation as a model for all interactions with digital systems. Using the principles of what makes everyday human interactions productive, itā€™s possible to create a better and more natural dialogue with systems. The conversation is how humans interact with one another ā€” any two strangers who… Read More →

Iā€™ve had several recruiters read my resumĆ© about my experience in Design Systems and contact me about jobs. Only to find out they were hiring for people with Systems Design experience. Iā€™ll be outlining what both topics are and help people understand the qualities of each. Design Systems An engineer who works on a design system typically has some interest… Read More →

I love stories. One of my favorites is the legend of how James Cameron pitched his idea for Aliens, the sequel to Ridley Scottā€™s 1979 film Alienā€”an example I always hoped was true until Lynda Obst confirmed its authenticity in her book Hello, He Lied. Even though it grossed over $100 million at the box officeā€”on a measly $11 million… Read More →

Guerrilla warfare: an independent group of paramilitary fighters using unconventional tactics to divide and conquer an often larger, more orthodox enemy. Guerrilla marketing: a group of extremely savvy execs using unconventional tactics to divide you from your cash and conquer your custom. (Think: the zebra crossing painted to resemble a carton of McDonaldā€™s fries or the part unwrapped KitKat bench.)… Read More →

Most of the times we think as complexity as something bad. And I tended to fall in that pitfall myself. Until one day when I was having a conversation with a product manager, and he was showing me how the flight schedule of Schipol Airport in Amsterdam was organised. He was showing me all the tables and data, and how… Read More →
