Spending the time and energy to properly define how an end-product should look and behave is an absolute must. By dedicating time on this step you can help save time, money, and other resources further down the line; and using wireframes is a great way to do this! Wireframes are seen as the skeleton of a prototype. With a wireframe,… Read More →
Starting a project can be a daunting feat for even the most skilled designer, it’s a time consuming and often difficult task. Having had the ‘light bulb’ moment but knowing what to do with it can be tricky. While creating products is a continuous process, the design process can help you test and validate the effectiveness of an initial idea…. Read More →
Over the last decade, organisations and big business brands feel closer than ever before. You can now get a personal response in minutes from some of the biggest companies in the world by messaging their team on socials. And listening to user feedback isn’t where the company-user interactions end. Today more than 50% of Fortune 500 Companies have made co-creation… Read More →
Learn how to walk stakeholders through your design process and pitch with good storytelling and sketching.
Growing up, I have always been a visual learner. Drawing out my thoughts helped me better understand concepts and play around with how things could fit together. I also use sketching as a way to articulate my thoughts when it comes to writing. I didn’t realize until later on in my career that most people find it difficult to communicate… Read More →
What is User Experience? User Experience (UX) is the value that you provide to your users when they are using your product. It is a term that is mostly associated with beautiful looking User Interfaces. But, by principle: User Experience Design (UXD or UED) “is the process of enhancing user satisfaction with a product by improving the usability, accessibility, and… Read More →
During my time at Etsy, I had the pleasure of watching the design team grow and evolve. When I joined over six years ago, there was just a handful of designers working collectively to support business and customer needs. Today, it is a multi-disciplinary group of Product Designers, Brand Designers, Art Directors, CX Strategists, Information Architects, Copywriters, and Researchers. With… Read More →
My design journey started four years ago when I quit my job at a children’s sleep clinic to become a designer. I would read books about UX on my commutes to and from work. Every evening, I would spend 6 to 7 hours taking web development courses and learning what it meant to design. Everything was new and exciting. After… Read More →
Service design has had a meteoric rise over the past decade. The discipline has helped us to make services more accessible, usable and inclusive. It has, in turn, made services more efficient and less costly to deliver. This success has been widely recognised, and service design is increasingly being accepted as a key way to improve user experience, especially in… Read More →
I lead a creative team of two at a company that has grown from three co-founders to over 150 employees. We’ve acquired a company, expanded to multiple offices, and launched the world’s first end-to-end account-based marketing platform. I guess you could say we’ve grown up. But one thing that hadn’t changed over the past five years — until recently — was the Terminus brand… Read More →
This design process series covers the exact design process we use every day at SetDev.io. It’s a culmination of a six-year journey, bootstrapping a software engineering consulting agency as the sole designer. All deliverables discussed are attached as Sketch files for your convenience. I. Design Process Brainstorming Ahhh a fresh, new project — very few things are equally exhilarating, right?… Read More →
This article is an excerpt from the Marvel eBook, The Book of Collaboration: Handoff Edition. Many designers and developers hesitate at the idea of collaboration because it sounds like accepting compromises. Nowhere is this dilemma more apparent than when our workflows overlap and the design is ready for developers to begin building. “Great products come from harmony between the design… Read More →